Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) Research, Travel, and Creative Works Grant (2024-2025)
Grant Summary
FSU’s Native American and Indigenous Studies Center (NAIS) supports research and artistic activity that focuses on and engages with Native American and Indigenous communities across the globe. Towards that end, this grant provides degree-seeking FSU students with travel funding to conduct, create, or disseminate research and creative works in the field. We are especially interested in supporting projects related to creation and/or dissemination of knowledge and creative works that are generated through NAI collaborations.
Funder Summary
The Native American and Indigenous Studies Center at Florida State University provides a physical and conceptual hub for community members who are committed to Native American and Indigenous research and artistic practice. Built in partnership with the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the NAIS Center promotes and coordinates consultations with tribal nations and community leaders, educational efforts inside and outside of the classroom, and collaborative scholarship more broadly.
Application Timeline
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year. Please submit your applications with sufficient time before your travel plans. Grants may not be awarded retroactively.
'Proposal Deadline Award Amounts
Up to $1500 is available for graduate students and $750 for undergraduate students working on honor’s thesis/projects and who are conducting research on and/or with Native American and Indigenous communities.
Students must be enrolled at Florida State University and they must be involved in research focused on topics associated with or in collaboration with Native American and Indigenous communities. Previous awardees are eligible to apply but recipients can receive no more than one award per academic year. Please note that we expect that all applicants also apply for travel funds (if and when they exist) from their host department, college, graduate school, provost's office, etc.
Any FSU student is eligible to apply as long as they have demonstrated their research is connected to NAIS. Students who are active in participating in NAIS events are particularly encouraged to apply.
All uses of NAIS funding must meet the criteria for use of state funds outlined in s. 1004.06, F.S. and elsewhere. Please email for additional guidance about your travel.
Required Documents (Please use Last name and NAIS Grant as your subject heading and submit the application as a single pdf)
Project documents include:
A) Short Description of Purpose "To {present a paper / visit an exhibit / conduct research] at {name of conference / archive / museum] in {location} during {month year}"
B) Public-Facing Abstract (100-125 words). This abstract should explain the purpose of your project for non-specialists.
C) Project Description (600-750 words), including project goals, project format, long-term plan, and contribution to Native American and Indigenous Studies. When appropriate, descriptions should also explain how the work benefits from collaboration with Native American and Indigenous partners and/or engages with NAI sources of knowledge.
D) A CV.
E) List of Research and/or Travel Funding received from FSU or elsewhere in the past year.
F) Amount Requested (up to $1500), including a budget justification. Budgets can exceed the maximum of $1500 if explanations of for the souce(s) of the remaining funds
Pre-Award and Post-Award Responsibilities
Students will submit their receipts and receive travel permissions from their own department. We will work with the travel representative for the department to arrange reimbursement. Recipients will present their work at a NAIS Center supported event on campus (brown bag lunch, symposium, conference, etc.).
Scholars and artists will acknowledge FSU's NAIS Center in future publications and public presentations that these funds supported.
This fund provides support for the creation and dissemination of knowledge and/or creative works. As such, field work, language programs, conferences, workshops, trainings, creative activities, etc., are appropriate under expenditures.
Funds are not allowable for stipends, synthesis or writing, and/or publication subventions.
We ask that all applicants also explore funding options across campus (department, college, graduate school, etc). If your trip is more than our budget can afford, please consider applying for additional funds from
Allowable - Research (archives, fieldwork, language schools, workshops, museum visits) - Presentations (conferences, meetings, symposia, workshops) - Outreach as part of a research agenda (to tribal nations or Indigenous groups) - Creative activities (for and/or with Native American and Indigenous communities)
Non-Allowable: Food, entertainment, or beverages - Equipment - Indirect - Expenses prior to award dates
For more information contact Dr. Andrew Frank <> or the NAIS Center <>